Tuesday, June 29, 2010

SummArting in San Jose!

I am painting up a storm in the storm drains! Check out my designs and pick one that suits your fancy. Standard images range from $15 to $20, and for a few more dollars, I will customize a piece just for your home. Make delivery and emergency services able to find your home with ease! I am only in the San Jose area until July 10th, email me your order while you can!

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Sum Up

I've just barely started this blog to try and and make it easy to communicate with anyone interested in my offer. I'm still working out the kinks on how to 'order' or set a time that I can beautify your curb. If you're interested, please email me at artsycurb@gmail.com , and I will get back to you with details. I'm putting together a flyer/form that will make it simple to choose a design (if desired) for your curb. As far as portraitures, just email me and we'll chat. Those I will need a picture and talk styles and sizes with you. Thank you!